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Google earth download chip online

As one of the most fundamental physical properties in both classical and quantum optics, angular momentum (AM) of light-including spin angular momentum (SAM) possessed by circularly polarized light and orbital angular momentum (OAM) manifested by the helical wavefront of light-has emerged as a physically orthogonal multiplexing approach to high-capacity optical communications ranging from free-space ( 9) to compact optical fibers ( 10). In the age of information technology, optical multiplexing using physical dimensions of light, including space ( 1), frequency ( 2), brightness ( 3), color ( 1, 4), polarization ( 1, 5, 6), mode ( 7), and lifetime ( 8), has played a crucial role in high-definition displaying ( 3– 5), high-capacity data storage ( 1, 6), high-speed communications ( 7), and highly sensitive biological sensing ( 8).

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